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STEM by Mind Map: STEM

1. Science

1.1. mining

1.2. origin of the earth

1.3. solar system

1.4. big bang theory

1.5. waste

1.6. rocks

1.7. minerals

1.8. crust

1.9. mantle

1.10. core

1.11. atmostphere

1.12. termosphere

1.13. hesosphere

1.14. geosphere

1.15. biospherte

2. Math

2.1. fucntions

2.2. graphings

2.3. exponential laws

2.4. zeroes

2.5. ratio

2.6. range

2.7. domain

3. English

3.1. communication

3.2. Language

3.3. speech

3.4. culture

3.5. models of communication

4. Filipino

4.1. komunikasyon

4.2. wika

4.3. tunog

4.4. simbolo

4.5. pakikipagtalastasan

4.6. kolokyal

4.7. morpema

4.8. ponema

4.9. heograpikal

4.10. morpolohikal

4.11. ponolohiya