Learning Theories

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Learning Theories by Mind Map: Learning Theories

1. Technology

1.1. Online learning environment

1.1.1. Interactive learning Objects

1.1.2. Multimedia resources

1.1.3. Instant feedback quizzes

1.1.4. Online forum

1.1.5. Computer simulation (e.g. VR/AR/MR)

2. Cognitivism

2.1. Famous researchers

2.1.1. W.K.hler, E.C.Tolman, D.P.Ausubel, R.M.Gagne, J.S.Bruner

3. Behaviorism

3.1. example: JINSHAN typing game

3.1.1. Famous reseachers J.B. Watson: ”Little Albert“ B.F. Skinner:  Skinner Box E. L. Thorndike:  puzzle box C.L. Hull: drive theory

4. Constructivism

4.1. Cognitive constructivism

4.1.1. J.Piaget, M.C.Wittrock

4.2. Social constructivism

4.2.1. L. Vygotsky, D.Katz

5. Differences among them

5.1. Knowledge/Information  generation

5.2. Technology

5.3. Relationship between teacher and learner

5.4. ......

6. Knowledge

6.1. Three epistemological perspectives

6.1.1. Positivist

6.1.2. Postpositivist

6.1.3. Postmodern