Linear vs Quadratic Equations

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Linear vs Quadratic Equations by Mind Map: Linear vs Quadratic Equations

1. Equations

1.1. y=mx+b

1.2. Ax+By+C=0

1.3. y-y1=m(x-x1)

2. Example

2.1. y=3x+5

2.1.1. (6,3)

2.2. 0=3x-y+5

2.2.1. 3A+(-1B)+C5

3. Real world scenatios

3.1. Cost of renting a car

3.2. Increase in altitude when flighing a plane

4. Equations

4.1. ax2+bx+c

4.2. -bx/ax(2)

4.3. -b+-multiplied by the square root of b squared minus 4ac

5. Example

5.1. y=x squared+2x+2 divided by 2

5.2. -2+/- the square root of 2 squared-4(1)(2) divided by 2

5.3. -2x/1x(2)

6. Real world Scenarios

6.1. Amount of time it takes a ball o hit the ground after being thrown

6.2. Prey to predator ratio over a long period of time

6.3. Car value over a period of time