Youth Work

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Youth Work by Mind Map: Youth Work

1. Priorities and Youth work

1.1. help develop social skills

1.2. help in identification of society needs

2. Perspectives of Youth work

2.1. historical perspective

2.1.1. scouts England

2.1.2. YMCA

2.1.3. Boys Brigade Trail Rangers

2.1.4. Girls Brigade

2.2. political perspective

3. 3 approaches to model making in Youth work

3.1. Historical

3.1.1. understanding of youth work development with the passage of time

3.2. Political

3.2.1. analyze different assumptions around the world and their effect on youth work

3.3. Humanistic

3.3.1. by understanding local cultural and religious practices

4. 6 Models of Youth work Intervention

5. Youth Wok Evaluation

5.1. 4 W's of evaluation

5.1.1. truth (don't give any false ideas)

5.1.2. why to ascertain all the targets set were achieved to justify the use of resources to measure the impact of activity or programme

5.1.3. what to set the aims for achieving long term goals

5.1.4. who can be done by any one starting from involved organisations to the participants for the purpose of improvement in future

5.1.5. when continuous cycle; can be done any time from the start of planning till after the end of the activity or programme

5.2. 3 approaches of evaluation

5.2.1. specific criteria

5.2.2. by negotiation between involved parties on different criterias

5.2.3. control is given to the educators and participants

5.3. 6 types of work performed

5.3.1. being there

5.3.2. being about

5.3.3. by working with individuals or groups

5.3.4. by doing projects

5.3.5. by doing research

5.3.6. by reflecting on practice

6. Core Values

6.1. respect for persons

6.2. promotion of well being

6.3. democracy

6.4. fairness and equality

7. The Treatment Model

7.1. defines young people as deviant, mad or deficient

7.2. social conformity

7.3. promote good citizenship and conventional lifestyles

8. The Reform Model

8.1. defines young people as being socially disadvantaged by their environment and upbringing

8.2. youth workers require skills in motivation, rapport building and the ability to help young people identify their own needs

8.3. provide education and training to enable the young person to compete in the job market

9. The Advocacy Model

10. radical

10.1. transforming society towards the adoption of values of equality and social justice.

10.2. The role of the youth worker is to expose inequality

11. non-radical

11.1. assist the young person in acquiring whatever they deserve or are legally entitled to

11.2. to ensure that young people are aware of supports and entitlements

11.3. equal opportunities

12. The Empowerment Model

13. radical

13.1. to transform the society

13.2. society is viewed as unjust and controlled by the elite or upper classes

13.3. young people are encouraged to believe in themselves and identify oppressive factors

13.4. to address power imbalances in society without disempowering other disadvantaged groups

14. non-radical

14.1. sole motivation is to help young people gain control over their lives

14.2. allow young people to take their own decisions

14.3. youth workers need to be supportive and motivational without interfering in the process

15. people make a unanimous decision

16. confidence building

17. Informal education

17.1. respectful and spontaneous way of learning

17.2. learning is through previous experience

17.3. learning is through involving in group activities and conversations

17.4. democracy and active involvement of people

17.5. can take place anywhere and anytime

18. Youth wok and Conversation

18.1. informal education

18.2. two way conversation

18.2.1. ensure participation of every member involved in discussion

18.2.2. specific characteristics concern trust respect appreciation affection and hope

18.3. keep the conversation group small

18.4. go with the flow of topic

18.5. democracy

19. Process of Youth work

19.1. emancipation and enlargement of experience

19.1.1. process of participants experience enlargement & not of curriculum product

19.2. flexible and creative process

19.2.1. facilitate learning

19.3. building of new relationships and gain of trust

19.4. motivating young people to try new experiences

19.4.1. gain insight of individual potential

20. Self Flourshing

20.1. freedom from self imposed limitations

20.2. freedom of speech

21. Formal education

21.1. delivery of curriculum as product