Expert system for identification of plants and animals.

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Expert system for identification of plants and animals. by Mind Map: Expert system for identification of plants and animals.

1. Knowledge base created.

1.1. Data collected from experts on data regarding plants and animals.

2. User interface created

3. Rule base created.

3.1. Rule base uses rules such as IF and THEN.

4. Inference engine created.

4.1. The inference engine uses a rule base and works with a knowledge base.

5. ADV: Reduces time taken to solve problems.

6. ADV: Predicts current and future problems.

7. ADV: Saves money due to faster service time

8. DIS: Requires training to use.

9. DIS: Needs to be constantly updated.

10. Users type in observations made on the plant or animals.

11. Expert system uses a form of reasoning to identify species.

12. ADV: More accurate than a single expert.

13. DIS: Expensive to set up.

14. DIS: Lacks common sense.