Chitter Chatters

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Chitter Chatters by Mind Map: Chitter Chatters

1. Seeing a doctor

2. At the restaurant

3. Transport

3.1. at the airport

3.2. at the railway station

4. Asking for and giving information

4.1. telling the time

4.2. describing a place

5. Nice to meet you

5.1. asking for personal information

5.2. introducing yourself

6. Where is the greengrocers ??

6.1. introducing our town

6.2. asking for directions

6.2.1. Where is the town hall ?

6.2.2. Go straight and then turn left.

7. Where is the music room ?

7.1. introducing the school

7.2. giving direcitons

8. Making plans for the weekend

9. At the shopping center

9.1. asking for the price

9.1.1. How much  is it ?

9.2. buying things