Aspects of Civilization

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Aspects of Civilization by Mind Map: Aspects of Civilization

1. Economy & Trade

1.1. City was built around temple. Larger cities were built with districts.

1.2. Iron was the backbone for the economy.

2. Science & Technology

2.1. High quality roads connected empire

2.2. Cities started to emerge

2.3. Cities led to the development of foods, canals,and allowed transportation

3. Confucious believed restoring respected society would become more stable.

4. Government and Leaders

4.1. Monarchy

4.2. Court of wealthy nobles

4.3. Governors ruled distant kingdoms

5. Religion

5.1. Confucianism

5.2. offered gifts for the deceased

6. Geography and Agriculture

6.1. Sumeria - long rivers had fertile soil with temperate climates

6.2. Shang - Dry land with herders and sheep, and goat.

7. Social Structure and Family

7.1. A widow would take husbands place at head of household until children grew up.

8. Arts and Education

8.1. Sumeria

8.1.1. Widely admired for their art

8.1.2. Objects used in Royal Court