7 Aspects of Civilization-Shang/Zhou

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7 Aspects of Civilization-Shang/Zhou by Mind Map: 7 Aspects of Civilization-Shang/Zhou

1. Geography and Agricultures

1.1. Long rivers and fertile soils

1.2. Temperate climates

1.3. Isolated valleys that contribute to growth

1.4. Rivers: The Chang Jiang, Huang He

2. Government & Leaders

2.1. China was ruled by strong monarchy

2.2. Shang kings were surrounded by a court

2.3. The Zhou gained power through the "Mandate of Heaven"

2.4. The rise & fall of dynasties in china was because of the dynastic cycle

3. Social Structure and Family Life

3.1. Shang ruling elite

3.2. Had free time for hunting and sports

3.3. Parents have to care for their kids with love & kindness

3.4. In Zhou belief people need to respect the members of their family, children must respect elder relatives

4. Science and Technology

4.1. Chinese writing

4.2. First system of writing

4.3. Irrigation controlled water

4.4. Iron plowshares increased food

5. Arts and education

5.1. Decorated bronze vessels

5.2. Many bronze artifacts

5.3. Iron plow

5.4. The Chinese alphabet

6. Religion

6.1. Believed in afterlife

6.2. Shang would ask dead ancestors for advice

6.3. They beloved in Dadaism

6.4. The Zhou believed in Confucianism which is based on teachings of a scalar named kongfuzi

7. Economy and Trade

7.1. Shang period

7.2. Agricultural

7.3. Used money to buy things

7.4. They traded bronze artifacts