7 Aspects of Civilization

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7 Aspects of Civilization by Mind Map: 7 Aspects of Civilization

1. Economy & Trade

1.1. Sumeria

1.1.1. Women developed distinct roles

1.1.2. Received materials for buildings and structures through trade

1.2. Shang Zhou

1.2.1. Farmers learned better ways of farming that led to food surpluses

1.2.2. Transportation of goods increased

2. Science & Technology

2.1. Sumeria

2.1.1. Math systems based on the numbers 60

2.1.2. The sumerians also learned to use geometry which was necessary to build elaborate necessary to build elaborate structures and irrigation systems.

2.2. Shang Zhou

2.2.1. Started planting crops early

2.2.2. Created chinese writing

2.2.3. Worked in advancing like working with broze

3. Government & Leaders

3.1. Sumeria

3.1.1. Priests govern states

3.1.2. Warchiefs became KIngs

3.2. Shang Zhou

3.2.1. Ruled by a higher monarchy

3.2.2. Kings appointed governors to rule certain parts of the kingdom

4. Arts & Education

4.1. Sumeria

4.1.1. Used archs ramps and columns to make buildings, structures and art.

4.1.2. Developed new ways of math and Writing

4.2. Shang Zhou

4.2.1. Created their own new way of writing.

4.2.2. Used text, symbols and pictures to teach.

5. Geography & Agriculture

5.1. Curves between the mediterreanen sea

5.2. Sumeria

5.2.1. Has fertile land forms,

5.2.2. The persian gulf

5.3. Shang Zhou

5.3.1. fertile soils

5.3.2. temperature

5.3.3. Very isolated

5.3.4. Valleys mountainous and hilly

6. Religion

6.1. Sumeria

6.1.1. They practice polytheism; the belief in many gods.

6.1.2. They believe that the gods controlled all natural forces.

6.2. Shang Zhou

6.2.1. Have belief in an afterlife.

6.2.2. Worshiped ancestors.

7. Social Structure & Family

7.1. Sumeria

7.1.1. Kings priests and principal agents were the higher anarchy

7.1.2. Landowners and wealthy merchants were below with servants slaves and framers at the bottom.

7.2. Shang Zhou

7.2.1. First civilizations developed in river valleys

7.2.2. Small groups of people and their families lived around the rivers and the Fertile Crescent