My plans for Sembreak

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My plans for Sembreak by Mind Map: My plans for Sembreak

1. Eat and Become fat

2. Help in households choirs

2.1. clean the dishes

2.2. do the laundry

2.3. sweep the flloor

3. Visit Lola and Lolo with my Relatives and family

4. Spend quality time with family

4.1. Go shopping

4.2. attend mass every sunday

4.3. watch movies together

4.4. eat in some restaurants

5. Watch television and play computer PUYAT is real

6. Sleep

7. facebook EVERYDAY

8. Celebrate halloween

8.1. wear halloween costumes

9. Watch Scary movies with my Kuya and Cousins

9.1. for fun

10. bonding with my BestFriends

11. watch in youtube

12. Enjoy the sembreak

13. Go Jogging  with my cousin