Fluffy's Doghouse

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Fluffy's Doghouse by Mind Map: Fluffy's Doghouse

1. Delievery

1.1. A Truck

1.2. Truck Driver

1.3. Labor Staff

2. Materials

2.1. Flooring

2.2. Roofing

2.3. Lumber

2.4. Tools

2.4.1. Hammer

2.4.2. Saw

2.4.3. Level

2.5. Nails

2.6. Insulation

2.7. Fencing

2.8. Siding

2.9. Concrete

3. Tasks

3.1. Buy Materials and tools

3.2. Plan Location

3.3. Start Blueprint

3.4. Level Ground

3.5. Lay foundation

3.6. Finish floor

3.7. Build Walls

3.8. Build Ceiling

3.9. Finish Roof

4. Budgeting

4.1. Set Budget

4.2. Delivery/ Transportation Cost

4.3. Labor Cost

4.4. Material Cost

4.5. Planning

4.5.1. Size of the dog

4.5.2. Needs of the dog

4.5.3. Size of the Doghouse

4.5.4. Cost of materials