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Autism by Mind Map: Autism

1. Behavioural Therapies

1.1. Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA)

1.2. Pivotal Response Therapy

1.3. Aversion Therapy

2. Communication Interventions

2.1. Speech Therapy

2.2. Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)

3. Articles

3.1. Canada

3.2. USA

4. Research

4.1. Autism and vaccinations

5. Medical Management

5.1. Prescription Medication

5.2. Dietary Supplements

5.3. Diets

5.4. ChelationTherapy

5.5. Chiropractic

5.6. Craniosacral Therapy

5.7. Electroconvulsive Therapy

5.8. Stem Cell Therapy

5.9. Prosthetics

6. Screening Kit

6.1. Signs

6.1.1. Repeatedly stacking objects, lining objects up, etc.