Tristan Harris – How do you see what you can't see?

Tristan Harris on "How do you see what you can't see?" at the TEDx SanFrancisco conference 2016.

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Tristan Harris – How do you see what you can't see? by Mind Map: Tristan Harris  –  How do you see what you can't see?

1. Tristan Harris

1.1. Time Will Spent Founder, designer

2. "Don't think of an elephant"

3. What we don't see

3.1. 70% of Facebook users only read the headline before sharing a science article

3.1.1. 60% of links are shared without ever been clicked

3.1.2. "People are more willing to share an article than read it."

3.1.3. Facebook fires trending team, and algorithm without humans goes crazy

3.1.4. #1 news source for US people is Facebook

3.2. Medical Errors are No. 3 Cause of U.S. Deaths


4.1. Look back at what we are

4.2. See ourselves honestly

4.3. Having a new identity

5. Doubt Club

5.1. A support group to help each other see our blind spots.

5.2. Help each other seeing more

5.3. Look back at our own humanity

6. Blindspots

6.1. Anti-Blind

6.2. Put Blindspots at the center of what we want our world to look at

6.3. E.g. Blindspot mirror on a car

6.3.1. We know that there's something that we can't see

6.4. E.g. Surgical Safety Checklist

6.5. Anti-Blind Internet

6.6. Anti-Blind Media

6.7. Anti-Blind Organizations

6.8. Anti-Blind Science