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House Fires by Mind Map: House Fires

1. emergency exits

1.1. alternate exits

1.2. safety protocalls

1.3. vehicle exits

2. entrances

2.1. vehicle access

2.2. emergency entrence

2.3. human access

2.4. alternate access

3. water source

3.1. pipelines

3.2. fire hydrants

4. traffic routes

4.1. redirecting traffic

5. firefighters

5.1. fire resistant uniforms

5.2. tools used to put out fire

5.3. smoke masks

5.4. response times

6. fire trucks

6.1. design

6.2. water cpacity

6.3. non flammable materials

7. house structure

7.1. floor plans

7.2. safety/fire requirments

7.3. heat resistant materials

8. rebuilding the house

8.1. determining the extent of the dammage

9. alarm system

9.1. safety checks

10. emergency communications

10.1. response time

11. fire prevention tactics

11.1. materials used

11.2. safety requirements

12. vegetation

12.1. predicting how far it could spread

13. surrounding houses

13.1. safe distance away

14. putting out the fire

14.1. amount of water needed

14.2. fire resistant tools

14.3. safe tactics on approaching safely

15. emergency power

15.1. emergency lighting