Mysteries of a game world
by Louis Batista

1. How am I going to convey this message?
1.1. Verbal heavy narrative
1.2. Visual Aids with little to no text
2. What is my message?
2.1. Establishing a deep and complex game-world with it's own rules and intricate characters all while only allowing the player to discover it through storytelling and experience. Storytelling encourages the player to work for unveiling the world's lore and secrets, further fueling the drive with the world's revelation.
3. Presentation flow
3.1. Display relatability through stories/beliefs
3.2. Excite audience with what games can be
3.3. Detail how this is theoretically achieved
3.4. Star Moment?
3.5. Repeat above until idea is conveyed
4. The map below is my initial thought process and is subject to change.
5. Idea bits
5.1. "Stepping out of Full sail after graduation"
5.2. Well oiled machine
5.2.1. Mystery, Emotional investment, Adventure, Reward, Reward fuels mystery/emotional investment again.
5.3. "invoke wonder through mystery"
5.4. Why explore the scary ruins?
5.5. QUOTE "Drama is anticipation mingled with uncertainty"
5.6. Audience is encouraged to work for their reward, which is enjoyable
5.7. "What drives a player to discover?"
5.8. "What is in that ruin and why should I go down there?
5.9. "Emotional commitment gives meaning to reward"
5.10. "It was this experience that inspired me to make games just like this"
5.11. "When I make games, I dont want a person to play it just because it's a game. I want players to be convinced to do things, to be encouraged to explore, to trick them into wanting it." "Challenges and optional content shouldnt be chores, but chosen tasks with high value rewards, and fun."
5.12. I want to compel you
5.13. story points you in the right directions, not gives you chores
5.14. "cinimatic games today are so linear, like they're just a movie on rails"
5.14.1. "conversly, some games are just giant sandboxes that are huge just for the sake of being huge. not much to do and hardly any incentive to explore"
6. Cold opening: There were these pirates , they did a real number on my ship. Oh they failed to kill or capture me but escaping them meant stranding myself on an unfamiliar island.. I just wanted to go home..but a damaged ship wasn't gonna help me. Gathering myself a bit at the crash site, the sunlight started to fade, so I set on a path in search of a solution. After some time I happen upon this large structure leading underground.. It wasn't naturally occurring, and definitely an intentional construct. I noticed pictures and an undecipherable language imprinted along the walls which hinted that I was standing in a product of intelligent design. A true sight to behold. It was ancient and abandoned...but at least it was a start. Poking my nose in, I concluded that the menacingly dark corridors seemed to stretch underground for miles in a series of twists and turns.. I lingered around the entrance for a bit before quickly dismissing my curiosity. I chose to continue searching elsewhere. Disappointed? Well I was more focused on my own tragedies at the time. Eventually I did find a town not too far away- with pleasant people! By now you may be wondering why I'm rambling about pirates and ruins. What I'm telling you is an experience that has effected the way perceive the world to this day. No, I wasn't really stranded on an island in real life, nor dealt with pirates of any sort, but still a true experience nonetheless.. What I'm describing is a video game I played as a child, and these were only some of my adventures. Video games are coded into my DNA. I consider myself obsessed, but I flaunt this addiction with pride. I couldn't imagine a time in my life where I wouldn't escape the confines of my painfully mundane life to embark on a virtual journey into an exciting fantasy one. I beg for adventure! why didn't I explore that ruin? Obviously games are meant for fun and engagement..and I'm playing this game for that very reason. You'd think this intent fully placed beckoning should be conquered by an adventurer like myself. Treasure, puzzles, maybe even an enemy could have awaited me.. So what was the reason for the dismissal? Ya know, for me, wandering into places with no purpose or agenda completely breaks my immersion. Maybe I'm just polite and have some virtual manners. Ya know of course I enjoy a bit of exploration but I need justification. I'm left uninterested at the ruins because its..just there.. A curious site to behold, I had other things to focus on. Make no mistake, I adore enormous gameworlds, majestic landscapes, incredible cities, and deep dungeons..beautiful locales I can indulge myself in. But what good are these places if they have no depth? A mountain is just a mountain decorating the background..unless there's a dragon atop guarding valuable treasures. A swamp is just a dirty old swamp..unless there's a wise old hermit willing to teach me the ways of the force.. The ruin i came across was.. just there. So why even bother exploring it? This is all subjective of course...everyone plays the way they want for their own reasons. But it's this style of play of mine that inspires me make games the way I do. I believe content you experience and the places you visit should hold some weight emotionally with the player. My personal goal for the person playing is to be emotionally changed each time they experience something in my game. Fortunately that town had a shop that may assist in my endeavors. Unfortunately, this shopkeeper was too distraught over her missing husband to even consider doing business with me. I concluded that helping this lady may put me in good favor.. maybe score some ship parts, so I offer to lend a hand. To my surprise, the lost person in question had allegedly ventured off to the very same I stumbled upon earlier to scavenge for valuables to sell, but never came back. At that point, my desire to leave the island, and discovering the mysteries of those ruins were now one in the same. This justification gave me the emotional drive step into the unknown and save this guy, and I did, but not before realizing this place offered much more than lost scavengers. There was treasure and secrets to be had - but it was all guarded by monsters. Challenges worth risking my butt for. From then on, I found myself digging up valuable treasure to sell to the island people. I used any profit to upgrade my weapons to brave deeper into the ruins. The deeper I went, the more revelation I had about the history of the island and the ruins. Before I knew it, I was enveloped in this constant cycle of motivation, exploration, revelation, reward, rinse and repeat. This was the inspiration for my world building method. Simply put: I create a intriguing world with a very rich history, I shroud it in mystery, and I place the oblivious player in situations that encourage discovery and revelation. I use the motivational machine of mystery, emotional investment, adventure, reward through improvement or revelation, which all comes together to motivate the player to repeat the process. I refuse to deliver a linear game that essentially just forces chores on the player until the end credits. I want to deceive the player..and no not in the back-stab or slap in the face sort of way. I want to trick them through storytelling and motivate through reward to work towards the revelation of the world they set out in. I want them to discover what that world offers through their own choice and efforts, with a little push from the circumstances the game puts them in. Parallel to my story, this moment was when I was asked to save the shopkeeper's husband from the ruins..the store owners were the only ones who could help me get off the island. I saved the man, gained good reputation among the island, dug around the ruins further and made profit, upgraded my weapons, learned about the island's and the ruin's history, made friends, made rivals, defeated enemies, became legend. All of these experiences intertwined to further develop motivation to keep exploring. To me, this isn't just fun. This is completely immersing yourself into a journey built upon your own motivations. This is ultimately what I strive to achieve when developing games. Great storytelling to push you in the right direction of becoming emotionally invested to adventure, rewarding and further motivating the player with their own rewards and discoveries, and letting them chip away incrementally at the shroud of mystery in which a rich and interesting world lies behind. That was a mouthful.. This isn't to say that my approach is the only approach to making a game. You could very well put a bland soldier on an alien planet with hardly any story and it could become game of the year. But for the sake of giving deeper meaning to action and content ,that's just my way. With the right team, funding, and creative process time, I can deliver these experiences. Feel free to support me on making these kinds of games. I would love to motivate you to save your own island. Towards the end of my journey, I eventually uncovered the dark truth. I discovered that the ruins underneath the island were a monument to destruction. The ancient builders created weapons that could destroy the island, possibly worse. My motivations and actions led me here; They led me to the complete truth that only I knew because I fought so hard to discover it. This truth endowed the responsibility of saving the people whom treated me so well so far. I fought the monsters, and destroyed the weapons. I became legend on that island. The next time you set out on a virtual adventure, ask yourself if your journey holds deeper meaning..
6.1. '
7. Who is my audience?
7.1. Employer at established Studio?
7.2. My own potential design team?
7.3. Kickstarter/GoFundMe contributors?
7.4. Gamers in general?
8. Obstacles/ Resistances
8.1. Would an employer agree with this perspective?
8.2. Can a team be convinced that this is a good idea?
8.3. Will this idea encourage potential funding?
8.4. Are players positively effective this way?
9. Be sure to:
9.1. Employ the H.A.I.L method
9.2. Use appropriate speaking style
9.2.1. Register
9.2.2. Prosody
9.2.3. Timbre
9.2.4. Pace
9.2.5. Pitch
9.2.6. Volume