@srahamilton's PLN World (Professional mostly, with a little curiosity added in)

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@srahamilton's PLN World (Professional mostly, with a little curiosity added in) by Mind Map: @srahamilton's PLN World (Professional mostly, with a little curiosity added in)

1. Organizations

1.1. Iowa World Language Association

1.2. Iowa State Education Association

1.3. University of Northern Iowa--Instructional Technology Cohort

2. In District

2.1. Instructional Coaches

2.2. Collaborations with individual teachers

2.3. Our PLC consisting of two Spanish and on art teacher

2.4. District Wide PD discussions

2.4.1. SIOP (Sheltered Instructional Observation Protocol

2.4.2. Kagan Cooperative Learning

2.4.3. Vocabulary Training

2.4.4. Writing Training

2.5. AIW (Authentic Intellectual Work) Group

3. Twitter Sources

3.1. Badges/Gamification

3.1.1. @senorg

3.1.2. #badgechatk12

3.2. Iowa Rock Stars

3.2.1. @srawienhold

3.2.2. @sradentlinger

3.2.3. @SpanishCuentos

3.2.4. @ReginaSchantz1

3.2.5. @MadameDobe

3.2.6. EdCampDSM peeps @jamiefath and others

3.3. Professional Connections from my career

3.3.1. @EricTownsley

3.3.2. @mctownsley

3.3.3. @townslyaj

3.3.4. @traviszinnel

3.3.5. @HSeslteacher

3.4. Other Spanish Stars

3.4.1. @aleonard

3.4.2. @senorjordan

3.4.3. @SraSpanglish

4. Print

4.1. Blogs

4.1.1. Sra. Wienhold's blog

4.1.2. Kristy Placido's Blog

4.1.3. Senor Jordan's Blog

4.1.4. Jason Noble's Blog

4.1.5. Sra. Dentlinger's Blog

4.2. Books

4.2.1. Teaching Teaching with Love and Logic by Jim Fay The Homework Myth by Alfie Kohn What Great Teachers Do Differently by Todd Whitaker

4.2.2. Non-Teaching Malcolm Gladwell Outliers David and Goliath Blink Adam Grant Give and Take Originals Dalai Lama The Art of Happiness

5. Podcasts

5.1. Ted Talks--various

5.2. Moving at the Speed of Creativity by Wesley A Fryer

5.3. Cool Cat Teacher

5.4. Money Matters

6. Facebook

6.1. Individual teachers from various sources--band, Spanish, English, science etc. Professional communication is unclear in it's focus but available if needed.

6.2. Group: Standards Based Grading

6.3. Group: CI in the Heartland (Comprehensible Input.

6.4. IT 2016 Cohort