Book Thief Characters
by jt warren
1. Paula Meminger
1.1. Dissapeared
1.2. Liesel's real mom
2. Andy Schmeikl
2.1. Ludwigs older brother
3. Frau Henrich
3.1. Foster care agent
3.2. Transferred Liesel to her new home
4. Junior Hubbermann
4.1. Hans and Rosas son
4.2. talks a lot about politics
5. Werner M
5.1. Liesels Brother
5.2. Died on way to Munich
5.3. younger brother to Liesel
6. Eric Vandenburg
6.1. Max's father
6.2. Passed away in the ware
6.3. Hans's friend from the war
7. Walter K
7.1. One of max's friends
7.2. Helped Max escape to the Hubermanns
8. Heinz H
8.1. Munichs's mayor
9. Johann H
9.1. Hermanns son
9.2. Died to unknown accident
10. Max Vandenburg
10.1. Was kept safe in the hubbermann's house
10.2. Good friend of Liesel's
11. Ilsa Hermann
11.1. Enjoys time with Liesel
11.2. Mayors wife
11.3. Has a huge library
12. Frau Hotzapfel
12.1. Hubbermann's neighbor
12.2. Great friends with Rosa
13. Frau Diller
13.1. supports Adolf Hitler
13.2. Shopkeeper
14. Arthur B
14.1. Leader of apple stealing gang
14.2. Viktor Chemmel took his spot at leader
14.3. Gives rudy and Liesel chestnuts before leaving
15. Rolf Schultz
15.1. Younger man who was in jensons raid shelter
16. Herr Fiedler
16.1. Gives up basement for raid shelter
17. Frau Hallah
17.1. Wants Hans to paint her window
17.2. Doesn't have money to pay him
18. Reinhold Zucker
18.1. Doesn't like Hans
18.2. Took Hans seat on the truck
18.3. Died in accident
19. Michael Holtzapfel
19.1. Frau Holzapfel's son
19.2. Loses fingers in the war
19.3. Commits suicide in Molching
20. Robert Holtzapfel
20.1. Frau Holzapfels second son
20.2. Dies in war
21. Eddie Alma
21.1. Was in the accident when Hans broke his leg
21.2. Reinholds dead body fell on him
22. Helmut Brohmann
22.1. Driver of the vehicle when the tire exploded
23. Rudolf
23.1. Dead body Hans was looking for in the war
24. Has large family
25. Wants to get rid of the Jews
26. One of rudy's sisters
27. Liesel Meminger
27.1. Main Character
27.2. Foster child
27.3. Does many things in the book
28. Rosa
28.1. Mean and strict but cares about Liesel
28.2. Delivers to the neighborhood
28.3. Liesels foster mother
29. Hans Hubermann
29.1. Plays accordion
29.2. Liesels foster father
29.3. Cares about family and friends
30. death
30.1. Likes to talk about Liesel
30.2. Narrarator
30.3. talks about the souls it takes
31. Rudy Steiner
31.1. Liesels bestfriend
31.2. Looks up to Jesse Owens
31.3. Likes to encourage Liesel
32. Adolf Hitler
32.1. Wants to get rid of jews
32.2. evil
33. Tommy mueller
33.1. Always relies on Rudy
33.2. Twitches all the time
33.3. Isn't a good learner because of his hearing problem
34. Alex steiner
34.1. Rudy's dad
34.2. Doesn't dislike jews
34.3. Owns a tailor shop
35. Franz Deutscher
35.1. Hitler youth leader
35.2. Got in a fight with Rudy for throwing rocks at him
36. Victor Chemmel
36.1. Super rich
36.2. Steals for fun
36.3. Threw Liesels book into the Amper river
37. Pfiffikus
37.1. Constantly whistling
37.2. Everybody in the neighborhood hates him
38. The Fuhrer
38.1. Adolf Hitler
38.2. Evil
39. Barbara Steiner
39.1. Rudy's mom
39.2. Good friends with the Hubbermanns
40. Trudy Hubbermann
40.1. Hans and Rosa's daughter
40.2. Acts and walks like Rosa
40.3. Shows up for holidays
41. Ludwig Schmeikl
41.1. made fun of Liesel
41.2. Got hurt at the book burning
41.3. got beat up by Liesel
42. Otto Sturm
42.1. Delivers food to the church
42.2. Has been robbed
42.3. Got knocked off his bicycle by Liesel and Rudy
43. Frau Olendrich
43.1. Rudy and Liesel's teacher
43.2. Spanks Liesel for calling Rosa a stupid cow
44. Mrs. Jenson
44.1. Gives up basement for bomb shelter
45. Mr. Herbert Jenson
45.1. Mrs. Jenson's husband
46. Anna-Marie S
47. Karin S
47.1. Rudy's sister
48. Kurt S
48.1. Rudy's older brother
49. Bettina S
49.1. Rudy's sister
50. Emma S
50.1. Rudy's sister
51. Boris Schipper
51.1. Was in the same war as Hans
51.2. Air raid special unitBartender at the same war Hans was in
51.3. Gave them free drinks
52. Herr Heckenstaller
52.1. Inspected the boys at war at their school
53. Jugen Schwartz
53.1. helped inspect the boys with Herr Heckerstaller
54. Olaf Spiegel
54.1. One of the first boys who had to take off his pants
55. The Fielders
55.1. Give up basement for raid shelter