NCHS Training Plan

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NCHS Training Plan by Mind Map: NCHS Training Plan

1. Adult Learning Theories

1.1. Behaviorism

1.1.1. Cognitivism Constructivism

1.2. Halpern, R., & Tucker, C. (2015)

2. Effects of Social Media

2.1. Social Media plays a big role in helping students communicate and connect. Social media also allows students to network and can prove to be a positive motivation for students.

2.2. making it relevant

2.2.1. building student confidence getting student attention

2.3. Halpern, R., & Tucker, C. (2015).

3. Student Motivation

3.1. Student motivation during the learning process consist of intrinsic and extrinsic, intrinsic refers to behaviors that responds with internal rewards, extrinsic is motivation that is driven by rewards such as monetary.

3.2. Extrinsic Motivation

3.2.1. Intrinsic Motivation

3.3. Rahimli, A. (2012).

4. Introduction

4.1. NCHS is a non profit organization that provides healthcare to the underserved and treats them on their ability to pay. The organization is a federally qualified health center in southern California. It has over 700 employees who need continued training.

5. Billing Process

5.1. The billing process is a guide for health clinics and hospitals to submit claims for reimbursement. The billing cycle consist of patient registration and obtaining information, processing claims to payers, follow up on any denied claims and collect all monies owed to the organization.

6. Ethical Consideration

6.1. Effects of social media can be detrimental to any business. Healthcare is no different. Several issues can arise from confidentiality and inappropriate access.

6.2. Access of accurate information

6.2.1. HIPAA-Health Insurance Portability Act

6.3. Pham, A. V. (2014).

7. Relevant Training Program

7.1. Introducing Technology

7.1.1. Coaching and guidance e-learning

8. New Employee Training

8.1. Patient Financial Services

8.1.1. Clinical staff Providers Billing Staff