Web Awareness

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Web Awareness by Mind Map: Web Awareness

1. Digital Citizenship

1.1. Respect

1.2. Educate

1.3. Protect

2. Netiquette

2.1. Digital etiquette

2.2. Code of conduct

2.3. Online rules

2.4. Clear communication

2.5. Permission

3. Digital Footprints

3.1. Internet posts

3.2. Online photos

3.3. Internet videos

3.4. Remain forever

4. Internet Safety

4.1. Cyberbullying

4.2. Password security

4.3. Sexting

4.4. Media literacy

4.5. WebQuests

5. Marketing

5.1. Targeting youth

5.2. Advertisements

5.3. Abusing Psychology

6. Authenticity

6.1. Email validity

6.2. Fake websites

6.3. Evaluation criteria

7. Privacy

7.1. Copyrights

7.2. Password security

7.3. User rights

7.4. Intellectual property