Course Outcomes
by James (Mitch) Thompson
1. Rhetorical Knowledge
2. Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing
3. Processes
4. Knowledge of Conventions
5. My Goals
5.1. * To obtain a general understanding of the central ideas of effective technical communications.
5.2. * To apply the best technical communication practices to projects both academic and professional.
5.3. * To obtain experience and fluency in the modern tools that enable efficient and collaborative communications.
6. (D#6, H#3) Copyright, Fair Use & Creative Commons
6.1. Copyright in an Internet era
6.2. Creative Commons
7. (D#2, H#8) Flew's Virtual Cultures
7.1. Virtual Communites & Identities
7.2. Social Psychology
7.3. The Digital Divide
7.4. Social Capital and Social Software
7.5. The New Media
8. (D#4, H#5) C.R.A.P.
8.1. Contrast
8.2. Repetition
8.3. Alignment
8.4. Proximity