My career interest is "Sociologist"
by Christian Lindsay
1. What is my focus group?
1.1. Will focus group be a targeted group? Such as LGBT, Urban Areas, Disabled people?
1.2. Research information on all targeted and at risk groups in journals and articles in APUS Library
2. Where are sociologist needed most?
2.1. Research what ares of world and communities are mostly analyzed and why.
2.2. Find resources in scholarly and independent journals and articles
2.3. Look at statistical research from social analysts.
3. What are the education requirements?
3.1. Are certificates and or licenses involved in order to be a sociologist?
3.1.1. At what level can a sociologist with a bachelor's degree work?
3.2. Look up job requirements using, etc.
4. What programs/organizations look for and need sociologists?
4.1. Are sociologist more beneficial in therapeutic settings and positions?
4.1.1. Articles on the benefits of sociologists in _____organizations