App ideas that will encourage children to exercise!!

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App ideas that will encourage children to exercise!! by Mind Map: App ideas that will encourage children to exercise!!

1. Introducing children to games they may not have played before in order to help them develop game understanding and to keep engaged.

1.1. Allows children to broaden their understanding and encourage them to try new things.

2. Encouraging exercise such as walking or other physical activites to curb the digital generation and their health concerns.

2.1. Allow children to get healthier and to allow them to live long lives.

3. Allow them to connect on the app with their friends and to use the app in a classroom setting.

3.1. This allows teachers to monitor children progress and the app should allow them to modify rules etc.

4. Introduce a reward-based system

4.1. Points rewarded to players who spend most time outdoors over a week

5. Create a list of engaging games for kids to play

5.1. Such as basketball, tag, soccer or handball. It allows them to engage with new sports

6. Introduce teamwork aspects to the games

6.1. All of the games featured on apps should be team-based format as it will be easier for children to make friends in a controlled environment.