Rabbit Proof Fence: Anthropologist's Perspective

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Rabbit Proof Fence: Anthropologist's Perspective by Mind Map: Rabbit Proof Fence: Anthropologist's Perspective

1. Nature VS Nurture

1.1. Nature is our genes.

1.1.1. The girls genes, the family they grow up with, how they are raised.

1.2. Nurture is how we grow up in environment

1.2.1. Environment around her was not okay with her being an aboriginal.

1.2.2. Taken from her family at a young age, can impact her.

2. Anthropologist

2.1. Margret Mead

2.1.1. Studied human behaviour and gender roles. The men were more dominant than the females.

2.2. Ruth Benedict

2.2.1. Focused on culture and personality. Believed that each culture had their own morals and could only be understood if the culture is studied. White's (Australians) believed that changing the aboriginals culture, would be better fitted, only because they did not understand their culture, and believe that their's was the best.

3. Ethnocentricism

3.1. Your culture is better or is more important that another.

3.1.1. Half-cast were NEEDED to be turned white over generations.

3.1.2. The white's (Australians) believed that their way of education and culture was a better way of living, therefore changing another races culture (aboriginals).

4. Social Darwinism

4.1. The understanding that evolution justifies the morality of public polices

4.1.1. The movie was based in a certain time period that took place in Australia

4.1.2. Policy made was that aboriginals would go to residential schools, to get rid of their aboriginal culture.

5. Tool use

5.1. Can be used as protection or  to get food.

5.1.1. Molly's mother killed a animal with a tool so they could eat.

5.1.2. The man with the dead animal he captured, cut a piece off for the girls with a tool. And must have used tools to get the animal.

6. Opposable Thumbs

6.1. Helped the girls when grabbing food

7. "White Man's Burden"

7.1. White race having a duty to educate another race, even if it is something they would not primarily do. (would get paid more)

7.1.1. The educators at the resedential school had a job to educate the aboriginals

8. Culture/Race

8.1. Ethnicity, or colour of your skin referring to your social and physical behaviours.

8.1.1. Whites and Aboriginals (different races)

8.2. Different races practiced different religious acts

8.2.1. Aboriginals, and the Whites (Australians) had different beliefs.

9. Bipedalism

9.1. The ability to walk on two feet.

9.1.1. gave advantages to get food, see better in taller grass/areas. Made it easier to grab things on 2 feet. Molly, Daisy, and Gracie had a long way to get home from the residential school, so travelling on two feet made that easier.

10. Theory Of Evolution

10.1. Those who best fit and adapt to environments will have more babies

10.1.1. Adaption When organisms change their behaviour to fit into a environment around them. (adapt to environments). The girls in the residential schools adapted to their life there and started to change their behaviours, they got use to the norms there.

10.1.2. Survival Of The Fittest Individuals in a species that would adapt better to their environment would have more offsprings. Daisy and Molly were able to reach into the tree to grab food because of their ancestors, and how they over time adapted and individuals passed those genes on.

11. Symbols

11.1. Rabbit Proof Fence

11.1.1. Was built to keep the rabbits out of the whites (Australians) farm..

11.1.2. The whites brought the rabbits here and tried to keep them out, since they believe it is their land, when really it is the aboriginals. (whites should be the ones on the rabbits side of the fence.

11.2. Spirit Bird

11.2.1. Symbolized freedom, peace, faith.. Molly thought of the bird of faith, and when she gave up walking back home, she looked up at the sky and saw the bird, which determined her to keep going.

12. Importance of Fire

12.1. Protects from cold, and is used for cooking.

12.1.1. Molly made a fire to stay warm, but also to cook the piece of food she received from the man she crossed paths with.