E-business Revenue Models
by Diana Rosman
1. Revenue Strategy Issues for Online Businesses
1.1. Channel Conflict and Cannibalization
1.2. Strategic Alliances
1.3. Luxury Goods Strategies
1.4. Overstock Sales Strategies
2. Creating an Effective Business Presence Online
2.1. Identifying Web Presence Goals
3. Web Site Usability
3.1. How the Web is Different
3.2. Meeting the Needs of Web Site Visitors
3.3. Trust and Loyalty
3.4. Usability Testing
3.5. Customer-Centric Web Site Design
4. Using the Web to Connect with Customers
4.1. The Nature of Communication on the Web
5. Revenue Models for Online Business
5.1. Web catalog revenue models
5.2. Fee-for-Content Revenue Models
5.3. Advertising as a Revenue Model Element
5.4. Fee-for-Transaction Revenue Models.
5.5. Fee-for-Service Revenue Models
5.6. Free for many, fee for a few
6. Changing Strategies: Revenue Models in Transition
6.1. Subscription to Advertising-Supported Model
6.2. Advertising-Supported to Advertising-Subscription Mixed Model
6.3. Advertising-Supported to Fee-for-Services Model
6.4. Advertising-Supported to Subscription Model
6.5. Multiple Changes to Revenue Model