North America and the Atlantic Slave Trade

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North America and the Atlantic Slave Trade by Mind Map: North America and the Atlantic Slave Trade

1. Power struggle between different countries

1.1. French and Indian War: Struggle between the The English and their colonies VS the French and the Native Americans.

1.1.1. Ended by the Treaty of Paris

1.2. Compete to claim land, like Canada between England and France

2. The slave trade

2.1. triangular trade route

2.1.1. England to Africa, bringing weapons and other things to trade for slaves

2.1.2. Africa to America, trading slaves for goods such as sugar and molasses

2.1.3. America to Europe, trading molasses and sugar for guns and other goods.

2.2. Problems with the slave trade

2.2.1. The mortality rate of slaves traveling the Atlantic was notoriously high.

2.2.2. Wasn't morally right, disturbed the lives of MILLIONS of africans

3. Canada

3.1. Explorers traveled around Canada and tried to convert Natives to Christianity with little success

3.2. Called New France.

3.3. Made a business off furs, trapping, and fishing

4. English Colonies

4.1. John Cabot: explored East coast and Newfoundland

4.2. Jamestown: first permanent colony in 1607

4.3. They create several different colonies over the 1600s and 1700s, such as Pennsylvania