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Global Age por Mind Map: Global Age

1. english colonies

1.1. John Cabot found rich fishing grounds, he claimed for english

1.2. English navigators searched for a northwest passage to asia

1.3. english built first colony at Jamestown Virginia in 1607

1.4. in early years of the colony many died from diseases and starvation

1.5. colony made headway when they started to grow tobacco

1.6. 1620- another group landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts

1.7. Pilgrims rejected the church of england

1.8. compact-agreement among people. Early step for self-government

2. power struggles

2.1. 1600s- Spain, France, England & Netherlands had colonies in N America

2.2. colonies fought to expand and protect their interests

2.3. late 1600s- French claims current day canada & most of central US

2.4. Spanish moved north, making claims to present day Texas & Florida

2.5. English & Dutch maintained colonies on east coast

2.6. 1700s- Britain and France emerged as powerful enemies

3. Shipping

3.1. triangular trade- triangle shaped series of Atlantic routes

3.2. merchant ships brought European goods like guns, cloth, & cash to Africa

3.3. In Africa, merchants traded goods for slaves

3.4. In Americas, slaves were traded for sugar, molasses & others from the plantation

4. Industries & Cities

4.1. triangular trade was profitable for many people

4.2. there were risks of losing ships at sea, but money being made outweighed risks

4.3. thriving trade led to successful port cities

4.4. newly settled cities in North America grew into thriving cities

4.5. the success of the port cities was made possible by the Atlantic slave trade

4.6. European cities like France & Bristol  grew prosperous because of triangular trade

5. middle passage

5.1. to enslaved Africans, the middle passage was a horror.

5.2. most Africans were taken from inland villages

5.3. after being enslaved, they were forced to march to coastal ports

5.4. men, women, and children were bound with ropes and chains

5.5. survivors of the march were restrained in coastal holding pens and warehouses

5.6. held restrained until European traders arrived by ship

6. "Floating Coffins"

6.1. when sold, Africans were packed below the decks of ships in chains

6.2. hundreds of men, women, and children were crammed together for voyages up to 3 months

6.3. disease was a big threat to lives of captives and the profit of merchants

6.4. ships became "floating coffins" bc up to half the Africans on board died from diseases

6.5. suicide was more common than mutiny

6.6. Africans believed through death they would return to home countries

7. explorers and missionaries

7.1. french claims 'New France'

7.2. 1534-Jacques Cartier discovers St. Lawrence River.

7.3. missionaries traveled in wilderness trying to convert native americans to christianity.

8. furs, trapping, fishing

8.1. many abandoned farming for fur trapping and trading

8.2. population of new france grew slowly

8.3. first permanent french settlement wasn't until 1608

8.4. it was a hard life in the wilderness, but demand ensured good prices

8.5. landlords bought tracts, or areas of land along st. Lawrence river