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Hypertension by Mind Map: Hypertension

1. Treatment

1.1. Treatments consist of self care and diuretics.

1.2. Physical exercise, stress management, home blood pressure monitors, Low sodium diets.

1.3. Primary Care provider, Cardiologist, Nephrologist.

2. High blood pressure is elevated pressure of blood in the arteries.

3. Lifestyle changes are most IMPORTANT

4. Drugs

4.1. Thiazide diuretics (water pills) Act on kidneys to help your body eliminate sodium and water reducing blood volume.

4.2. Beta Blockers: Open your blood vessels.

4.3. Calcium channel blockers: Help relax the muscles of your blood vessels

4.4. Renin Inhibitors: Slows down the production of renin.

5. Arteries!

6. Self Care

7. Specialists

8. Medications

9. Risk Factors

9.1. Age

9.2. Family history of hypertension

9.3. Ethnicity

9.4. Being overweight or obese

9.5. Not being physically active

9.6. Using tabacco

9.7. Too little vitamin D in your diet.

9.8. Stress

9.9. Certain chronic conditions.

10. Life Style Interventions (Prevention)

10.1. Maintaining a normal weight

10.2. Exercising Regularly

10.3. Limiting Alcohol consumption to no more than one or two drinks per day.

10.4. Quit smoking (if you smoke)

10.5. Reducing sodium (salt) intake.

10.6. Increasing potassium intake.

11. Normal

11.1. <120/80 mmhg

11.2. Systolic = Below 120 mmhg

11.3. Diastolic = Below 80 mmhg


13. Abnormally high blood pressure.

14. DIET!

15. Results from two major factors: -The heart pumps blood with excessive force. -The bodies smaller blood vessles (known as arterioles) narrow, so that blood flow exerts more pressure against the vessel walls.