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SiteDB by Mind Map: SiteDB

1. Site

1.1. Site ID

1.2. Site Name

1.3. Short name

1.4. Address

1.5. GPS coordinates

1.6. e.164 address - query e.164 DB

1.7. Erate Status

1.7.1. Eligible

1.7.2. Filed for

1.7.3. Awarded

1.7.4. Installed

1.7.5. SPIN

1.7.6. E-rate filing address

1.8. District/Region

1.9. Advocate

1.10. Services provided

1.11. Tech, admin, security, remote hands access contacts w/ calling tree

1.12. IP Address blocks

1.13. SLA

1.14. MLA

1.15. Devices

1.16. Aggregation site

1.17. Site drawings

1.18. Parent organization

1.19. On-site phone

1.20. Advocate

1.21. Validation sign-offs (E-rate, NOC, TOC, IVC, etc)

1.21.1. Email and report to

1.22. Parent (for child sub-sites)

1.23. Site Type

2. SLA

3. MLA

4. Inventory

4.1. Erate status

4.2. Device Type

4.3. Device Owner

4.4. Serial #

4.5. Connected devices

4.6. Dates

4.6.1. Purchase

4.7. Site history

4.7.1. Site

4.7.2. Date deployed

4.8. Asset tag

4.9. Maintenance contract

4.10. Repair/RMA history

4.11. Interfaces

4.11.1. address block

4.11.2. Connected device

4.11.3. Circuit ID

4.11.4. Connected Site

4.12. ACS server integration

5. Maintenance contract

5.1. Contract dates

5.2. Contacts

5.3. UEN ID

5.4. Provider ID

6. Organizations

6.1. Site?

7. Contact

7.1. Title (Mr, Mrs)

8. Services

9. IP Address blocks

10. Circuits

10.1. UEN ID

10.2. Carrier ID

10.3. Erate status

10.4. RFP info

10.5. Contract dates

10.6. Sites

10.7. Carrier

10.8. Owner

10.9. Devices

10.10. Interfaces

10.11. Notes

10.12. Circuit type, speed, media

10.13. Active date

11. Contact Group

11.1. Owner

11.2. Contacts

11.3. Notes

11.4. Email address

12. Multi-carrier circuit

12.1. UEN ID

12.2. Primary carrier circuit ID

12.3. Circuits

12.4. Responsible telco