1. Step One
1.1. Introduce Newsletter / Discuss Criteria
1.1.1. BOB: Hey Megan, Luke and Aros! Go ahead and add the parts you want to do. It doesn't make a big difference which considering we all will trade roles on the next news-article.
1.1.2. Bob: I would recommend placing your contact info next to your role.
2. Step Two
2.1. Teams Review Roles
2.1.1. Megan Reader: . The reader will be responsible for the human-interest piece (see item 4 above). The goal of this section is to help readers see how the legal and ethical issues central to the selected case affect a given human life. What does is feel like to be subject to the legal ruling of Supreme Court justices and to the ethical judgments of judgments of communication professionals. Tell a story, a human story, the story of the person who bears the greatest burden because of others’ decisions. There will almost certainly be a need to fictionalize here. But keep it real in a way that allows for genuine insight and empathy. 925-381-4069
2.1.2. Luke?
2.1.3. Advocate & Journalist:Bob Barrett Text 603-785-7854 News Article Ill probably have this done by Monday the 24th Point/Counter point decisions. The journalist will do sufficient research about a relevant Supreme Court case, then write the news article about that case. The advocate will oversee the point/counterpoint section of the newsletter (see item 5 above). That means the advocate will have to develop a key ethical question that can be answered with a yes or a no. The advocate will formulate competing arguments—one argument in the affirmative side, one in support of the negative side. Advocates will write two brief persuasive pieces in support of those positions. Logos, pathos, and ethos should be apparent in each piece. Each argument should be based upon a single primary principle. That principle should be clearly stated, then explained, applied, and supported. A consistent, sustained line of reasoning will be characteristic of the strongest pieces.
2.1.4. Editor Aros 208-360-4739 The editor will oversee the other team members, design the layout, prepare the spotlight box (see item 1 above), and edit all writing for technical slips. All team members should work hard to prepare highly professional work—which means, among other things, work that demonstrates a high level of technical proficiency. But the editor is ultimately responsible for the final copy. Please use AP style. (Thanks, this helps as I am a bit confused. Aros)
3. Step Three
3.1. Teams Select Court Case
3.1.1. BOB: I would really like to do Snyder v. Phelps http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snyder_v._Phelps The actual court case is http://pacer.ca4.uscourts.gov/opinion.pdf/081026.P.pdf Considering the Supreme Court has yet to make a verdict, we would be referring to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Court_of_Appeals_for_the_Fourth_Circuit ) case of which has already reached its final verdict.
4. Step Four
4.1. Editor Selects Ethical Principle to Spotlight
4.1.1. Monday 21?
5. Step Five
5.1. Begin Discussion Board Conversations
5.1.1. I believe we already started this.
6. Step Six
6.1. Advocate Makes Decision About Ethical Question For Point/Counterpoint
7. Step Seven
7.1. Begin Drafting
7.1.1. Start by Tuesday 22nd
7.1.2. Intro for Snyder v. Phelps BOB: Here is a first draft of an intro article for Snyder v. Phelps. I kept it kind of short so that I didn't get too far ahead, just in case you guys decided you would rather use a different case. (Spot light question to introduce the article) This question has hit the hearts of Albert Snyder, the father of fallen Marine Matthew Snyder and Fred Phelps, the leader of the Phelps family and Westboro Baptist Church (WBC). (Include a detail of how this relates to the spotlight question) In 2006 the Westboro Baptist Church picketed an anti-gay, anti-Catholic and anti-military protest near the funeral of Matthew A. Snyder. Albert Snyder filled suit against Phelps for intentionally causing emotional distress upon Albert and the mourners of Matthew. Phelps firmly rest his defense on his first amendment rights of free speech. Snyder v. Phelps was ruled in favor of the defendant Phelps, by the District Court of Maryland. The Supreme Court has requested the case by writ of certiorari with a decision expected by this spring. Here is my full article, I just noticed that you reviewed the article already. Thanks for being on top of things. I guess you can check what I wrote for errors and include what you wrote that I missed? Are you going to be able to write a human interest article by Friday? Let me know if you need any help. Reader Draft... This is still in the process. And sorry, I still have no idea how to work this thing. On March eight, two thousand and six, The Westboro Baptist Church, lead by Fred Phelps, announced its intention of protesting against United States Marine Lance Corporal, Matthew A. Snyder’s funeral. The Westboro Baptists church has gone around for nineteen years carrying out hate-filled demonstrations against homosexuals. They believe that America is doomed because of its increasing tolerance of homosexuality. The Westboro followers traveled more than a thousand miles just to be apart of the protest, and held up signs saying, “Thank God for Dead Soldiers,” “You’re Going to Hell,” and “You’re Going to Hell.” Westboro also posted on their website called, “The Burden of marine Lance Cpl. Matthew A. Snyder,” stating how Matthew’s Father and Mother “raised Matthew for the devil,” “Ripped that body apart and taught Matthew to defy his Creator, to divorce, and to commit adultery,” as well as many distasteful things. Albert Snyder, the father of Matthew, sued the Westboro Baptist Church for violating his privacy and inflicting emotional distress on his family by demonstrating near his son’s funeral. “All we wanted to do was bury Matt with dignity and respect,” quoted from Religion & Ethics Newsweekly. Snyder continued to describe his emotional injuries on how he has become tearful and angry and gets so physically nauseated that he vomits. He also called expert witnesses to testify on the worsening of his diabetes and severe depression because of the Westboro’s activities. “I want to badly to remember all the good stuff and so far, I remember the good stuff, but it always turns into the bad,” said Snyder. (Wikipedia) This case has brought up questions and arguments on whether or not there should be limits on freedom of speech at funerals of private citizens. In defense of the Westboro group, they did obey police instructions and all local ordinances. They stood in an area picketed off by police at least a thousand feet from the church, where they were neither seen nor heard. Thanks for being patient though! (Also if you press "Shift Enter", it works like a normal return key.