Whats the effect of household acids on solids? (what do we know)

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Whats the effect of household acids on solids? (what do we know) by Mind Map: Whats the effect of household acids on solids? (what do we know)

1. What is the vinegar's chemical formula?

1.1. The first carbon atom is surrounded by three hydrogen atoms.

1.2. The second carbon atom is surrounded by one oxygen atom and a OH group.

1.3. Hence its formula is CH3COOH and HC2H3O2.

2. The molecular mass is 60.05 g/mol.

3. Other types of vinegar are white vinegar,brown vinegar, cider vinegar and balsamic vinegar.

4. The other names for vinegar are ethanoic acid, acetic acid and methane carboxylic acid.

5. Vinegar is an acid liquid produced from the fermentation of ethanol in a process that has its key ingredient acetic acid (another name for ethanol).

6. Household vinegar is in a diluted form.

7. Nature vinegars also contain a small amount of tartaric acid,citric acid and other acids.

8. How to turn sugar into vinegar?

8.1. Use yeast to turn the sugars into alcohol.

8.2. After that use acetobacter to convert that alcohol into vinegar.

8.3. Acetobacter is a microorganism present in the air we breathe.

9. Vinegar can be used for cleaning and antiseptic and germ killing purposes.