In this culture traditionally spiritual practices include shamanism and ancestor veneration.  The...

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In this culture traditionally spiritual practices include shamanism and ancestor veneration.  These beliefs are combined with their beliefs related to health and illness. They do not separate their physical well being from their spiritual health. They believe that everything possesses a spirit.  The balance between the physical and spiritual world is viewed as very delicate and they look to their ancestors to guide them and protect them in both. Which culture is this? by Mind Map: In this culture traditionally spiritual practices include shamanism and ancestor veneration.  These beliefs are combined with their beliefs related to health and illness. They do not separate their physical well being from their spiritual health. They believe that everything possesses a spirit.  The balance between the physical and spiritual world is viewed as very delicate and they look to their ancestors to guide them and protect them in both. Which culture is this?

1. American

1.1. American Religious Culture

2. Dominican

2.1. Dominican Religious Culture

3. Hmong

3.1. Hmong Religious Culture

4. Somali

4.1. Somali Religious Culture