1. charging
1.1. by rubbing
1.1.1. Amber & fur electrons move from fur to the amber amber=negative fur = positive
1.2. By induction
1.2.1. Production of an electric charge on the surface of a conductor under the influence of an electric field.
2. hazards of electrostatics
2.1. objects may get charged due to build up of charges
2.1.1. clothing by synthetic fibres may get charged easily, in dry environments may cause sparks resulting in a fire
2.1.2. rotating tyres=negative charge. metal body near it may become positively charged->sparks produced ma ignite highly flamable load(petrol)
3. applications of electrostatics
3.1. photocopier
3.1.1. page 290 of text book
3.2. laser printer
3.3. electrostatic paint spraying
3.3.1. give even coating of paint on a car
3.4. electrostatic precipitator
3.4.1. clean smoke coming out from industrial chimneys
3.4.2. page 292 of text book
4. Charges
4.1. types
4.1.1. Negative E.G:amber & fur The electrons transfer to objects
4.1.2. positive E.G:glass & silk electrons transfer away from objects.
4.2. When placed together.
4.2.1. negative with negative
4.2.2. positive with positive repel
4.2.3. positive with negative attract
4.3. SI unit
4.3.1. coulomb 6.24 x 10^18 charges
5. Electric field
5.1. region which an electric charge experince a force
5.2. to sketch
5.2.1. must begin from positive charges to negative charges
5.2.2. no 2 field lines can cross
5.2.3. number of lines drawn leaving a positive charge or ending at a negative charge is proportional to the carge
5.3. pictures
5.3.1. positive & negative
5.3.2. positive & positive
5.3.3. negative &negative