Strength and Limitations

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Strength and Limitations by Mind Map: Strength and Limitations

1. Belief System

1.1. Catholic

1.1.1. Being Catholic is common in the Latino community.We strongly take it serious especially in Mexico.Though I was born in the U.S. ,we still take it very serious.

1.2. Racial System

1.2.1. We are all created equal,no matter where you were born.No matter what color he/she is,we are all still Humans at the end of the day.

2. Privilege

2.1. Mexican Privilege

2.1.1. Being a Hispanic in the U.S. , it gives yourself many Privileges.Like I said in the "Power" section,you may help others out with the two languages,English and Spanish.Don't think that we get EVERYTHING,we do have some downfalls,others view us differently.

2.2. Spanish Speaker

2.2.1. Speaking another Language in the U.S. ,such as Spanish,is a great advantage as I have been saying.You get a higher chance of getting the job and it helps out a lot for others who only speak Spanish in the U.S.

3. Intersectionality

3.1. Chicano

3.2. Middle Class

3.3. Male

3.4. Catholic

3.5. Mexican-American

3.6. Straight

4. Power

4.1. Speaking Two Languages

4.1.1. Speaking more than one language can get you a higher chance of getting a job,or if you want to help someone who knows one language and you know how to translate it,you may help that person out.It is better in the U.S.,especially in the West,to speak Spanish and English.

4.1.2. POWERLESS: When someone knows more than two or more languages than you,then they will have the more power over you.

4.2. Having a Beard

4.2.1. Having a Beard will make yourself look older and people will think you are the oldest in the family out of your siblings.I myself,have a beard and people think I am the oldest sibling,when I am the middle child.

4.2.2. POWERLESS: When having a beard,you will feel left out of the fun stuff,since you are getting "older" and we all hate growing up,lets be honest. It sucks when you have one,so might as well shave it off to be young again.

4.3. Receiving an Education

4.3.1. Getting free Education is great and makes you learn new things everyday,from K-12 you expand your knowledge and it's free.Enjoy the time between that span.

4.3.2. POWERLESS: College.It is not free,it is very expensive.It's even a different path for some of us who want to continue our education or just start working.It's our choice.

4.4. Knowledge

4.4.1. Having Knowledge is great,and makes you a smarter person.People will look up to you for help and ask questions,as if you were a teacher.We are all smart in some ways,depending on our field.

4.4.2. POWERLESS: Someone taking over your knowledge and being smarter than you.It sucks when someone is smarter than you,but as I said in "Receiving an Education", continue your path to College to expand it more,but it is expensive.With hard work,you will get to the point you want in your life.