Underground water shortage

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Underground water shortage by Mind Map: Underground water shortage

1. Choice of Method

1.1. Quantitative

1.1.1. Survey and statistics

1.2. Qualitative

1.2.1. Interviews and observations

2. Operationalization

2.1. From interviews – what would we obtain? both quantitative and qualitative

3. Population and Sampling

3.1. 2 groups of people

3.1.1. gardeners, staying there

3.1.2. tourists, temporary visits

4. Observations

4.1. study how people use water (behavior) and what are the surroundings, including climate, geography

5. Data Processing

5.1. Collect from surveys

6. Data Analysis

6.1. Compare trends observed -- actual cause of the problem and how to solve right on the spot

6.2. match between interviews and observations

7. Getting started

7.1. Exploratory

7.1.1. Adjust/Improve/Adopt/Adapt machines to use

7.1.2. Smart water tank from air (condensation)

7.2. Output

7.2.1. Leaflet/Report – how to use water efficiently

8. Conceptualization

8.1. know what water is used for – appropriate design of machines/filter – considering cost and efficiency

9. Application

9.1. suggest solutions to the problem

9.2. alternative water source

9.3. model for scaling to different projects in other cities – specifically for water scarce areas