5 Step Action Plans

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5 Step Action Plans by Mind Map: 5 Step Action Plans

1. What

1.1. Step 1) Write down a list of activities and differentiated instructional techniques that can  be incorporated into Lesson Plan to accommodate Spanish students, such as providing; Step 2) Share with a colleague; Step 3) Make changes based on feedback, factoring; Step 4) Implement changes and activities and make observations to measure progress; Step 5) Reflect and repeat

2. When

2.1. Weekly

3. Where

3.1. In school, after class or during free periods

4. Why

4.1. It's important to create an inclusive, understanding and respectful environment for students. In particular, Spanish ELL students need to feel comfortable responding in ways that are connected to their culture, since community and relationships are important values for them; this includes letting them tell stories and share experiences.

5. How

5.1. Planning and communication with a fellow teacher

6. Who

6.1. Me and another teacher

7. Native Spanish Students


9. IM

10. Who

10.1. Me and other School Teachers

11. What

11.1. Step 1) Share our lesson plans, activities and experiences with Chinese speaking ELL learners in our classes; discuss best practices - what is working well, what isn't, what has worked with specific students in the past; Step 2) Provide and receive feedback and suggestions to and from other teachers; Step 3) Make adjustments to lesson plans and daily activities based on feedback and observations, factoring in the "Why" component; Step 4) Make observations to measure progress or impact on students; Step 5) Reflect on lessons learned and repeat

12. Where

12.1. In school, after class

13. When

13.1. Weekly

14. Why

14.1. It's important to create an inclusive, understanding and respectful environment for students. In particular, Chinese ELL students need more opportunities to interact with their peers to feel more comfortable in the classroom environment. Chinese students can sometimes appear withdrawn from other peers and come across as "rude" so teachers need to make sure they integrate and mix up student groups.

15. How

15.1. Planning and communication with teachers

16. Native Chinese Students