Differentiating Lesson Plans to Meet Student Needs

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Differentiating Lesson Plans to Meet Student Needs by Mind Map: Differentiating Lesson Plans to Meet Student Needs

1. Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

1.1. Earth's Place in the Universe: 1-ESS1-1: Use Observations of the sun, moon and stars to describe patterns that can be predicted.

1.1.1. Objective: Students will be able to compare and contrast the sun and the stars by: Completing observations Using Venn Diagram Writing science journals Map Training Requirement Creating models of the sun and stars

2. Learner Profiles

2.1. Visual

2.1.1. Use pictures, charts and graphs to introduce and present information about the stars and the sun Visual aids allow students to organize thoughts while seeing the whole concept.

2.1.2. Use concept and thinking maps and other graphic organizers Present visual support via bubbl.us to create mind maps

2.1.3. Incorporate short YouTube videos about the sun and the stars Audio visual aids allow student to experience content in a creative way. Sample of YouTube video: fd fdf

2.2. Kinesthetic

2.2.1. Carry out physical activity to present the solar system: teacher use gross-motor activities to reinforce concepts Students can pretend to be the sun and stars to demonstrate the solar movement and describe each one.

2.2.2. Use apps and software to provide science exploration. Zspace software and hardware allow students to interact with simulated objects in virtual environments as if they are real Zspace in the classroom SolarWalk app to explore the solar system and to watch movies about Earth SolarWalk

2.2.3. Use music to allow students' mobility during the lesson

2.3. Auditory

2.3.1. Utilize a listening center where students can listen to audio books George case

2.3.2. Allow students to read aloud to show learning skills

2.3.3. Use oral presentation and questionnaire to assess students

2.3.4. Make flashcards for various shapes and pictures (sun, stars, moon and earth).  Use these cards repeatedly by reading them out loud Utilize a corner in the classroom (computer and chair) for students to use when needed

2.3.5. Introduce educational podcast such as Podbean Pobbean link

3. Interests

3.1. Hands on/ Tactile

3.1.1. Allow students to use play dough and clay during activities Tactile learner

3.1.2. Involve students during the modeling portion of the lesson

3.1.3. Encourage students to include pictures and diagrams in their journal

3.1.4. Use a flashlight and Styrofoam ball to show the phases of the moon

3.2. Art

3.2.1. Design and paint the sun and the moon After the design phase, students will be able to compare and draw conclusions.

3.2.2. Encourage students to create booklets about the sun and the stars where they can add facts about each one Upload pictures to artsonia.com Artsonia Artsonia in the classroom Students share their creative side with parents.  It will create a sense of pride and ownership.

3.2.3. Allow students to incorporate their designs in their journal

3.3. Technology

3.3.1. Allow students to express their ideas with words using a web application: Wordle Wordle link

3.3.2. Play science games Planet positions game from

3.3.3. Students create science reflections as podcast

4. Readiness

4.1. Above grade level

4.1.1. Offer students more complex text Classroom example

4.1.2. Promote real world connections Students observe the position and shape of the moon for one week. Students estimate the sunrise and sunset times.

4.1.3. Assist studnets in creating Prezzi and/or Voicethread presentations

4.1.4. Formal writing assignments: informative writing piece about what they have learned

4.2. At  grade level

4.2.1. Asses students' prior knowledge using a KWL chart and revisit it at the end of the lesson

4.2.2. Provide students with different questions and allow them to be involved in a group discussion. Use the Think-Pair-Share technique Think-Pair-Share video Think-Pair-Share in the classroom

4.2.3. Use Brainpop app for videos, games and assessments to engage students and stimulate their curiosity.

4.3. Below grade level

4.3.1. Use the Venn Diagram

4.3.2. Continuous check for understanding and repeating if needed.

4.3.3. Allow students to complete an oral quiz Written Quiz: multiple choices, yes/no answers

4.3.4. Scaffolding techniques: break up the lesson into chunks then provide a tool for each chunk.