by hyleana anthony
1. Active or passive?
1.1. Definitely and active audience, because we want them to decode the message we are putting across
1.2. Our video will be addressing a sensitive topic, so we want our audience to engage in what is going on and take something away with them from watching it. Equally, Hall's Reception Theory will apply here, whether the audience will accept the preferred message, partly accept/reject it, or not agree with it. However, we hope they agree with the message, we are trying to deal with the topic in a fun but sensitive way.
2. Age
2.1. The age range we think is the most appropriate is the 16-24 bracket. However it will mainly be aimed at teenagers.
2.2. This video may relate to their social life, although it is stereotyped that all teenagers want to do is go out partying, this may still be true for some teenagers. It is more of a pop song, and teenagers listen to chart music, more than people of other ages do. Also the main singer in the song will be of an age in this bracket, so this is more appropriate.
3. Class
3.1. Probably more aimed towards the middle class, rather than any other specific classes.
3.2. According to Young's and Rubicam's four consumers theory: our audience would probably fit into the mainstream category. They make up 40% of the population and like to feel they belong to a group. Which our video will do in the way that the girl wants to fit in, but feels restricted because she isn't happy and wants to be confident in her sexuality.
4. Interests
4.1. Mainly for people who enjoy the night life and enjoy partying
4.2. The audiences potential interests could be that they like going out on a weekend with friends, but they also like to stay home and spend time by themselves. They may also like the outdoors and going on adventures eg festivals/ going to the beach with their family/boyfriend. They may like makeup and doing their hair/ buying new clothes.
5. Gender
5.1. We are specifically aiming the music video to females
5.2. The main singer in the music video is going to be female. This will show her point of view and how she perceives things, opposed to a males point of view. Therefore girls in the audience may be able to relate more to the visuals/lyrics.
6. Location
6.1. The location of the video will be a mixture of urban/rural
6.2. We want to use a party scene in the first bit of our video, this can be interpreted as the girl being in a city because there is more night life in cities. However, there are some rural scenes included: such as the girl being in the middle of an open field, and the beach. Therefore, it will be a mixture of locations so people from either urban or rural locations can relate and be familiar with these types of areas.
7. Mass or niche?
7.1. We are aiming towards attracting a mass audience
7.2. The song we are making a music video for is a pop song, without a video, it peaked to number 5 in the Australian chart 2016. This proves it does appeal to quite a lot of the populations interests, although it could be argued that only young people listen to chart music.
8. Race
8.1. To us, it doesn't really matter what race audience members are, anyone can enjoy it?
8.2. The main people in the music video will be white because Chesterfield doesn't really have a wide mixture of different ethnic groups. Therefore I suppose the music video would appeal more to white people than any others.