Collaborative Working

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Collaborative Working by Mind Map: Collaborative Working

1. You can erm, use VOiP xx

2. you can brainstorm ideas

3. An example of year 10 working together collaboratively

4. work simultaniously on the same projoct

5. work collaborativley through VoIP e.g skype

5.1. New node

5.1.1. New node New node New node

6. you can use online workspaces to work collaboratively

6.1. New node

7. You can use video conferencing so that you can talk face to face with people.

8. Working on the same thing across the world

9. work in less time.

10. get their work done in less time.

11. have more ideas then just your own

11.1. New node

12. PowerPoint and other visual displays can be shared with everyone attending the conference at the same time

12.1. New node

13. video confrencing

14. share their ideas and be more creative

14.1. get a better range of ideas

15. work together

16. Working online can eliminate timezone difficulties

17. help each other when you come across issues

18. its easy to use

19. goals are acheived more quickly

20. im lovin it