Scale and Conflict Types

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Scale and Conflict Types by Mind Map: Scale and Conflict Types

1. Resource Driven/Territory

1.1. Local

1.1.1. Peru(oil) The number of conflicts linked to gas and oil has been especially high among Indigenous populations in Peru An indigenous community in Peru's biggest oil block stopped its month-long occupation of 14 wells, while protesters in another town in the Amazonian region took control of six different wells Tribal protests over payments and environmental cleanup in block 1-AB have intensified over the past year as Argentine energy company Pluspetrol nears the end of its contract

1.2. National

1.2.1. China(oil) - The Chinese insistence on claiming sovereignty over the internationally recognized maritime borders of Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, the Philippines and Taiwan is clearly an overt attempt to seize control of oil & gas production for their own ends as well as control any naval vessel movements in those waters.

1.3. Global

1.3.1. ISIS (oil) In early 2014, ISIS began capturing major cities in Syria and Iraq at the same time that global stockpiles of oil began increasing unsustainably. And though the rise of ISIS and general instability in the Middle East is the result of multifarious, complex forces, the desire to exert power through controlling the flow of oil from that region is undoubtedly a major factor. One could even argue that the the United States success in nearly doubling its production of oil to 9.3 million barrels per day in 2015 has helped to exacerbate the very same tensions that have given ISIS an opportunity to gain a foothold in the region.

2. Class/Economic

2.1. Local

2.1.1. Kenya(Hutu/Tutsi) A clear example of this is the economic and political inequalities between Hutu and Tutsi groups in Burundi, which led to an intense civil war The violence in Kenya after the 2007 elections was also fed by inequalities between regions and ethnic groups. Tutsis perceived to have greater wealth and social status (as well as favoring cattle ranching over what is seen as the lower-class farming of the Hutus).

2.2. National

2.2.1. Latin America (turmoil) China’s economic sluggishness and weak global economic growth have brought down commodity prices, foreign investment has slackened, and monetary policies have become less expansionary. economic growth in Latin America is expected to be lower Latin America is one of the most economically volatile regions in the world. characterized by low or no growth, currency devaluations, rising unemployment, public-spending cuts, and falling incomes

2.3. Global

2.3.1. Mass involuntary migration As well as being the number one risk in 2016 in terms of likelihood, mass involuntary migration is also the biggest global concern in the next 18 months is the coerced movement of a person or persons away from their home or home region. Migrating in the same country means the person is an Internally Displaced Person

3. Religious/Ethnic

3.1. Local

3.1.1. Indonesia-Muslims and Hindus Some Muslim kampongs have been involved in conflicts with neighboring Hindu kampongs in central Mataram and its northern suburbs. The fact that Hindus and Muslims commonly live in segregated kampongs in Mataram strengthens community division on the basis of ethnicity and religion, allowing inter-religious and interethnic conflict to potentially escalate more easily when minor conflicts emerge.

3.2. National

3.2.1. Nigeria: Boko Haram 230 schoolgirls were abducted, allegedly by Boko Haram The group especially opposes the education of women Under its version of Sharia law, women should be at home raising children and looking after their husbands, not at school learning to read and write.

3.3. Global

3.3.1. Middle East/North Africa Social hostility such as attacks on minority faiths or pressure to conform to certain norms was strong in one-third of the 198 countries and territories surveyed in 2012, especially in the Middle East and North Africa Religious-related terrorism and sectarian violence occurred in one-fifth of those countries in that year, while states imposed legal limits on worship, preaching or religious wear in almost 30 percent of them, Pew said. The list of animosities is endless: Palestinians and Jews hate each other; Arabs detest Persians; Turks distrust Kurds as agents of colonialism; Sunnis despise Shiites; Israelis see black African refugees as a mortal threat; Gulf citizens envision hordes of Asian and Arab workers claiming title to their family-run states; and Muslims eye non-Muslims as impure encroachments.

4. Racial

4.1. Local

4.1.1. El Cajon September 27, 2016 A man in El Cajon, California has been shot by the police after what people are saying was a racial attack. Anger is brewing on the streets in El Cajon, as well as on the social media. Witnesses believe they heard at least five gun shots fired.

4.2. National

4.2.1. America 90 percent of white people in America who take the Implicit Association Test show an inherent racial bias for white people versus black people more than three-quarters of us don't believe we have a problem with racial tension in America. Fewer and fewer Americans openly admit that they're racist

4.3. Global

4.3.1. Civil Rights Movement In 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the “separate but equal” doctrine that formed the basis for state-sanctioned discrimination, drawing national and international attention to African Americans’ plight. The most important achievements of African-American civil rights movements have been the post-Civil War constitutional amendments that abolished slavery and established the citizenship status of blacks and the judicial decisions and legislation based on these amendments, notably the Supreme Court’s Brownv. Board of Education of Topeka decision of 1954, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. During the 1950s and 1960s, therefore,NAACP–sponsored legal suits and legislative lobbying were supplemented by an increasingly massive and militant social movement seeking a broad range of social changes.

5. Ideological

5.1. Local

5.1.1. London-homosexualtiy The Labour-led local council's adoption of a policy that would promote 'positive images' of homosexuality in local schools erupted into a conflict that led, in part, to Parliament's passage of Section 28 of the 1988 Local Government Act, which prohibits the 'promotion of homosexuality.' It studies the construction of homosexuality as a campaign issue in the 1987 general election, the creation of the 1988 law, and the effects that the law had on the Borough. Five interrelated discourses of order were overwhelmingly present in the debates, are included in the brief text of the Section, and are contemporary interpretations of dominant historical discourses on homosexuality

5.2. National

5.2.1. west against fundamental islam -fundamentalist Muslims orbit around one central idea: Islam must have power in this world. It is the true religion—the religion of God—and its truth is manifest in its power

5.3. Global

5.3.1. The Cold War The Cold War was a state of political and military tension after World War II between powers in the Western Bloc and powers in the Eastern Bloc., the Cold War rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union that lasted for much of the second half of the 20th century resulted in mutual suspicions, heightened tensions and a series of international incidents that brought the world’s superpowers to the brink of disaster.The Cold War was to dominate international affairs for decades and many major crises occurred

6. Works Cited CNN. Cable News Network. Web. 01 Nov. 2016. Forbes. Forbes Magazine. Web. 01 Nov. 2016. Forbes. Forbes Magazine. Web. 01 Nov. 2016. The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company. Web. 01 Nov. 2016. A&E Television Networks. Web. 01 Nov. 2016. AmerQuarterly. "Oil Sparks in the Amazon: Local Conflicts, Indigenous Populations, and Natural Resources by Patricia I. Vásquez." Americas Quarterly. Web. 01 Nov. 2016. By Bridget Johnson World News Expert. "Understanding the Conflict Between Rwanda's Tutsis and Hutus." News & Issues. 10 Dec. 2014. Web. 01 Nov. 2016. By Continuing to Use the Site, You Agree to the Use of Cookies. More Information Accept. "Peru: Indigenous Peoples End Occupation of Pluspetrol Wells but Conflict Emerges in Another Oil Field | Business & Human Rights Resource Centre." Peru: Indigenous Peoples End Occupation of Pluspetrol Wells but Conflict Emerges in Another Oil Field | Business & Human Rights Resource Centre. Web. 01 Nov. 2016. Dorsey, James. "The Middle East and North Africa: Cauldron of Conflict." The Huffington Post. Web. 01 Nov. 2016. Staff. "Civil Rights Movement." A&E Television Networks, 2009. Web. 01 Nov. 2016. Kramer, By Martin. "Understanding Radical / Fundamentalist Islam - Discover the Networks." Understanding Radical / Fundamentalist Islam - Discover the Networks. Web. 01 Nov. 2016.