RideSmart Equipment

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RideSmart Equipment by Mind Map: RideSmart Equipment

1. Location

1.1. Colorado Mountains

1.1.1. Winter Skiing

1.1.2. Summer Hiking and Biking

1.2. Beginners Mountain

1.2.1. Winter Skiing

1.2.2. Summer Hiking

2. Man made Biking course

2.1. Hire workers to tend to course

2.2. Outsource equipment to construct course

3. Jacob Clanton

4. Rental Equipment

4.1. Winter Gear

4.1.1. Skiis

4.1.2. Snowboards

4.1.3. Helmets

4.1.4. Boots Ski Boots Snowboarding Boots

4.2. Summer Gear

4.2.1. Mountain Bike

4.2.2. Hiking Boots

4.2.3. Bicycle helmet

5. Prices and Rates

5.1. Charge for rented equipment

5.1.1. Extra charge for damaged equipment

5.1.2. Hire workers to inspect all equipment

5.2. Special offers

5.2.1. Half priced rentals with a group of ten or more

5.2.2. Weekday rentals are 20% off

5.3. Ski Lessons

5.3.1. Additional charge for lessons

5.3.2. Hire workers to teach lessons