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Farrington by Mind Map: Farrington

1. Words and Actions

1.1. "I know nothing about any other two letters." He's a really stupid person but he does not think that he is stupid.

1.2. talk rudely

2. Motivation

2.1. Put his anger on other person to make himself feel better.

2.2. He hits his son when his son made a small mistake.

3. Conflict

3.1. He was arguing with his boss because he's too lazy.

3.2. He had arm wrestling match with Weathers

4. Change

4.1. He loosed his job

4.2. He has no money

5. Personality

5.1. Lazy

5.2. Too weak

5.3. Rude

6. Physical Description

6.1. hanging face

6.2. fair eyebrows and moustache

6.3. tall and of great bulk

6.4. Dark wine-coloured

7. Relationships

7.1. He is Mr Alleyne's empolyee

7.2. Tom's father

7.3. He is a copy worker