Electrical Formulas

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Electrical Formulas by Mind Map: Electrical Formulas

1. Ohms Law

1.1. V = I x R

2. Transformers

3. Quantity of electricity

3.1. Q = I x T

4. Power

4.1. P = I x U

4.2. P = I squared x R

4.3. P = U squared / R

5. Power Generation

6. Resistors in Series & Parallel

7. Transposition

8. Force

8.1. F = M x A

8.2. F = M x G

8.2.1. Gravity = 9.81 ms

9. Resistivity

9.1. R = PL / A

10. Torque

11. Efficiency

11.1. Efficiency = power out/ power in x 100%

12. Magnetism

13. AC & DC