Points of View

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Points of View by Mind Map: Points of View

1. Second Person

2. First Person

3. One character is narrating the events in the story.                                                                                                    Example: Then, I saw a wild animal, walking through the forest.

4. Pulls the readers into the story by artificially telling him what he has to do.                                                     Example: Then, you saw a wild animal, walking through the forest.

5. Peripheral Point of View:

6. When the protaganist is telling his own story or when someone is the telling the protagonist's story.                                           Example: ...and as I fell down the well, I remembered the faces of everyone I betrayed.

7. Limited Objective: Voice of a narrator that limits what he says.                     Example: The woman killed her target with some sort of weapon.

8. Third Person

9. Shows the story through the eyes of a character or through the eyes of   narrator that takes no part in the story.                                                           Example: Then, he saw a wild animal, walking through the forest.

10. Third Person Objective:

11. The facts are narrated by someone who is not involved in the story and only knows facts; he can't report thoughts or feelings.                                                                       Example: The woman killed the man with a Batman tatoo with a shotgun.

12. Third Person Limited Subjective:

13. The narrator expresses the facts objectively, but adds in details of what the single character thought or felt.                                                                       Example: The woman saw her mother's killer and she could'nt hold back. As the anger flowed through her veins, she shot him right through his Batman tatoo, with her shotgun.

14. Dramatic Point of View: Third Person Objective, but with more than one witness.               Example: She saw her with her own eyes, and as it happened, a man nearby saw it too, and ran away immediately.

15. Complete Omniscience: Point of view that sees and knows all.             Example: Lord Vader would show her mercy that day, but she had no idea of what was to come. It was only a matter of time before she met her fate, the very next day...

16. Limited/Restricted Omniscience: The author might want to limit his omniscient narrator by not allowing him to say everything he knows.                                   Example: The woman shot the man with a tattoo of a certain super hero.

17. Deep Point of View: Puts the reader in the mind and heart of the character. Example: As I went up the stairs of the plane, I saw the faces of my loved ones as they waived me goodbye...a deep sadness filled my heart, but it was confronted by a surge of hope for the future ahead, so I smiled.