Speech Acts

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Speech Acts by Mind Map: Speech Acts

1. Mary Louise Pratt in"Toward a Speech Act Theory of Literary discourse"analyse the"literary speech act"as 2 way communicative dynamic btw a literary audience & speaker. She defines a "rhetoric of audienceship"which supersede the notion of fiction or literary autobiography ( novel/short story)

2. Literary speech act is less used in poetry & consider as INDIRECT REPRESENTATION OF PARTICULAR PERCEPTION (poet's view). Poetry respond individually to someone's emotion : INDIVIDUALISING opposed to SOCIALIZING

3. Linguistic theory developed by John Austin & John Searle.

4. def: ascribing to language used in a discourse, a powerful practical value involving truthfulness pointing to a referent often resulting in producing something real                                        e.g.:"She will come on Tuesday"

4.1. Step further: altering reality in case of promise, threat, query

4.2. utterance have performed:         ILLOCUTIONARY ACT                                         e.g.:  "I beseech you to come on Tuesday"

4.3. Bring the adresse awareness, understanding, an action with irreversible effect.                                                                PERLOCUTIONARY ACT                                   e.g.:"The jury has declared you guilty"