Introduction to computers

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Introduction to computers by Mind Map: Introduction  to computers

1. Advantages and disadvantages of Using Computers

1.1. - Advantages of Using Computers

1.1.1. • Speed

1.1.2. • Reliability

1.1.3. • Consistency

1.1.4. • Storage

1.1.5. • Communications

1.2. - Disadvantages of Using Computers

1.2.1. • Health Risks

1.2.2. • Violation of Privacy

1.2.3. • Public Safety

1.2.4. • Impact on Labor force

1.2.5. • Impact on Environment

1.3. - Green computing involves reducing the electricity consumed and environmental waste generated when using a computer.

1.4. - Strategies Include

1.4.1. • Recycling

1.4.2. • Regulating manufacturing processes

1.4.3. • Extending the life of computers

1.4.4. • Immediately donating or properly disposing of replaced computers

2. The Components of a Computer

2.1. -Input Device

2.1.1. • Allows you to enter data and instructions into a computer.

2.2. - Output Device

2.2.1. • Hardware component that conveys information to one or more people.

2.3. - System Unt

2.3.1. • Case that contain the electronic component of the computer that are used to process data

2.4. -Storage Device

2.4.1. • Holds data, Instructions, and formation for future use.

2.5. -Communications Device

2.5.1. • Enables a computer to send and receive data instruction to and from one or more computer or mobile devices.

3. What is a Computer?

3.1. - A computer is an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in it’s own memory.

4. Supercomputers

4.1. - A supercomputer is the fastest, most powerful computer

5. Elements of an Information System

5.1. - Hardware

5.2. - Software

5.3. - Data

5.4. - People

5.5. - Procedures

6. Computer Applications in Society

6.1. - Education

6.2. - Finance

6.3. - Health Care

6.4. - Government

6.5. - Science

6.6. - Publishing

6.7. - Travel

6.8. - Manufacturing

7. Summary

7.1. - Basic computer concepts

7.2. - Components of a computer

7.3. - Networks, the internet and computer software

7.4. - Many different categories of computers, computer users, and computer applications in society

8. Objective Overview

8.1. - Explain why computer literacy is vital to success in today’s world.

8.2. -Define the term computer, and describe the between data and information.

8.3. -Describe the five components of a computer.

8.4. - Discuss the advantages that users experience when working

8.5. - Define the term network, and identify benefits of sharing resources on a network.

8.6. -Discuss the uses of the internet and world wide web

8.7. -Distinguish between system software and application software.

8.8. -Differentiate among types, sizes, and function of computer in the each category.

9. A world of computer

9.1. - Computers are everywhere

10. Networks and the Internet

10.1. - A network is a collection of computers and device connected together, often wirelessly , via communications device and transmission media.

10.2. - The internet is a worldwide collection of networks that connects millions of businesses, government agencies, educational instructions, and individuals.

11. Computer Software

11.1. - Software, also called a program, tells the computer what tasks to perform and how to perform them.

11.2. - Installing is the process of setting up software to work with the computer, printer, and other hardware.

12. Personal Computers

12.1. - A personal computer can perform all of It’s input, processing, output, and storage activities by itself

12.2. - Two popular architectures are the PC and the Apple.

12.2.1. • Desktop computer

13. Mobile Computers and Mobile Devices

13.1. - Notebook computer

13.2. - Tablet PC

13.3. - Smart phone

13.4. - PDA

13.5. - Handheld computer

13.6. - Portable media player

13.7. - Digital camera

14. Game Consoles

14.1. - A game console is a mobile computing device designed for single-player or multiplayer video games