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Photography by Mind Map: Photography

1. white balance

1.1. Custom Shift WB

2. motion blur

3. White Balance

3.1. Shady

4. Bokeh

5. white balance

5.1. Cloudy

6. white balance

6.1. White Fluorescent Light

7. white balance

7.1. Custom WB - Pink

8. white balance

8.1. AutoWB

9. bokeh

10. bokeh

11. bokeh

12. f/4     ISO-6400    focal length 21mm     Exposure time 1/320sec

13. White balance is the process of removing unrealistic colors so that all the objects that appear white in real life are indeed white in the picture. That is because different light sources like sun, light bulbs etc. produce different color temperatures rather than just white color. It’s important because otherwise pictures would have unrealistic colours, although sometimes that might be the desirable look that you want to achieve for some specific reason. Our eyes and brain can compensate for different types of light but cameras can’t and that is why we need white balance.

14. f/5.6     ISO-4000      Focal length 55mm     Exposure time 1/320sec

15. Colour temperature is a measurement of the hue of a particular light source, and is used to describe the colour characteristics of light - either ‘warm’ which is yellowish or ‘cool’ which is blueish. This relates back to white balance because if the white is balanced and displayed correctly in our photos, the other colours will be as well. Colour Temperature is measured in degrees of Kelvin, on the  Kelvin Colour Temperature Scale.

16. A neutral reference is used for situations where one anticipates that auto-balance will not be sufficient.. This is created by carrying a grey card with you, or by taking a reference shot. You can also make cards/reference shots in other colors to get a certain effect out of your white balance - a red white balance will make the image blue, a green white balance will make the image pink.

17. f/8     ISO-800     Focal length 55mm      Exposure time     1/40sec

18. p

19. j

20. Bokeh or “boke” is an artifact created by the cameras iris. In essence, it is the reflection of the light on the iris being shown in the image. you create bukeh by putting soft light out of focus and using a low aperture, these artefacts will appear. with a high aperture, you will see the shape of the blades of the lens, witch is why in some cases the bukeh effect will show like a "hexagon" shape.

21. Motion-blur

22. motion blur

23. Motion blur

24. The slower the speed, the more light exposure to the sensor. This would benefit you in low light situations by allowing more light to hit the sensor. But, objects in motion will tend to blur out. This can also be an useful artifact, should you want to create a effect of motion in a still medium.

25. f/36     ISO-800     Exposure time 3.2sec     Focal length 48mm

26. p

26.1. g

27. motion blur

28. PEE

29. d

30. the effects of motionblur on a movin vehicle

31. f/11     ISO-800     Focal length 48mm   Exposure time 1/4sec

32. f/4    ISO-2000    Exposure time 1/1000sec    Focal length 25mm

33. f/25     ISO-640    Exposure time 1/8sec    Focal length 25mm

34. f/5.6    Exposure time 1/50sec

35. f/5.6     Exposure time 1/20sec