Healthcare Information Technology

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Healthcare Information Technology by Mind Map: Healthcare Information Technology

1. Dental record

1.1. Open Dental

2. Medical Imaging

2.1. Picture archiving and communication systems (PACS)

2.2. Vendor neutral archives (VNA)

3. Medical record

3.1. Cottage Med

3.2. Free MED

3.3. Gaia EHR

3.4. GNU Med

3.5. GNU Health

3.6. Hospital OS

3.7. HOSxP

3.8. Mirth

3.9. Open EHRD

3.10. Open EMR

3.11. Oscar McMaster

3.12. THIRRA

3.13. VistaA

3.14. ZEPRS

3.15. Smart Care

3.16. Biometrics

4. Imaging/Visualization

4.1. Advanced simulation library

4.2. Drishti

4.3. Endrov

4.4. ITK

4.5. InVesalius


4.7. Gingko CAD x

4.8. MITK

4.9. Orthanc

4.10. OsiriX

4.11. Para View

4.12. 3D Slicer

4.13. Voreen

4.14. VTK

4.15. Xebra

4.16. GIMIAS

4.17. CT scan

4.18. MRI

5. Research

5.1. LabKey Server

6. Data Storage

6.1. Cloud

7. Medical treatment

7.1. Optogenics

7.2. Digestible sensors

7.3. Robotics

7.4. Lasers

7.5. Mobile stroke units

7.6. Pacemaker

7.7. SpaceOAR

8. Medical diagnostics

8.1. Ultrasound

8.2. ECG/EKG

8.3. AED

8.4. Bone density machines

8.5. Digital sensors

8.6. Spectrol computed tomography

8.7. CTScan

9. Records

9.1. EHR

9.2. EHI

9.3. PHR

10. Medical practice management software

10.1. Clear Health

10.2. FreeMED

10.3. GNU Health

10.4. MedinTux

10.5. Open Dental

10.6. OpenEMR

10.7. Open Hospital

11. Health system management

11.1. DHIS

11.2. HRHIS

12. Medical information systems

12.1. Caisis

12.2. CtAKES

13. Mobile Devices

13.1. Ushahidi

13.2. Glucosio

14. Interoperability Testing

14.1. ONC

14.2. CCHIT

15. Networking

15.1. Online communities

15.2. HIE

16. Lab

16.1. E-prescribing

16.2. CPOE

16.3. Bar code use

17. Telecommunication

17.1. Telemedicine

17.2. Telehealth

17.3. Teledental