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Static electricity by Mind Map: Static electricity

1. +ve/ -ve charges

1.1. in a positive charge, the electric field lines point outwards

1.2. In a negative charge the electric field lines point inward.

2. various materials that produce charge when rubbed.

2.1. Amber rubbed with fur.produces positive charge.

2.2. rubber rubbed wit fur produces positive charge.

2.3. glass rubbed with silk cloth produces negative charge.

2.4. polythene rubbed with wool produces negative charge,

3. Daily applications

3.1. photocopier

3.2. printer.

3.3. dust removal

3.4. car paint job

4. dangers

4.1. cause wildfires.

4.2. cause blackouts

4.3. electrocution

5. field lines

5.1. the line starts from the positive charge and ends on the negative charge.

5.2. Any line drawn from the positive charge and ending on a negative charge is proportional to the magnitude of the charge.

5.3. Two field lines cannot cross each other.

6. Charges

6.1. Electrostatics

6.2. Not caused by friction but by contact.

6.3. SI unit the coulomb or C.

6.4. The region in which an electric charge experiences charge.

7. Charging

7.1. Induction

7.1.1. electric charge produced on the surface of a conductor , due to an electric field.

7.1.2. can be repeat over and over again.

7.1.3. used to get either positive or negative charges.

7.2. rubbing

7.2.1. transferring charge from one object to another.