WEB 2.0 Roberto Gómez

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WEB 2.0 Roberto Gómez by Mind Map: WEB 2.0 Roberto Gómez

1. Redes Sociales

1.1. Twitter

1.2. Facebook

1.3. Xing

1.4. Ning

1.5. Skype

1.6. Yammer

2. Audio, fotografía y video

2.1. Flickr

2.2. Tumblr

2.3. YouTube

2.3.1. Included

2.4. Spotify

2.5. Vimeo

2.6. Audacity

2.7. Ted Talks

2.8. Jing

2.9. Camtasia

2.10. Pinterest

3. Trabajo

3.1. Google reader

3.2. Google scholar

3.3. Prezi

3.4. Dropbox

3.5. Wordpress

3.6. Scribd

3.7. Issuu

3.8. Google docs

4. Compartir contenido

4.1. Blogger

4.1.1. Materials

4.1.2. Personel

4.1.3. Services

4.1.4. Duration

4.2. Wikispace

4.3. Delicious

4.4. Slideshare

4.5. Evernote

4.6. Moodle

5. Otros

5.1. Linked In

5.1.1. Schedule

5.1.2. Budget

5.2. Licencia Creative Comonds

5.3. Diigo

5.4. Articulate