Weekly Discussion Topic (Sandbox)

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Weekly Discussion Topic (Sandbox) by Mind Map: Weekly Discussion Topic (Sandbox)

1. Hello! :-)

1.1. This could get very interesting!

1.1.1. does this go on forever?? Fei -Yes!

2. hi people~it's tintin

2.1. ok. nice to meet you.

3. Hi everyone. it is really interesting. we have to practice using it. Lamees

4. New node

5. Jenna Wittwer

5.1. New node

6. New Node!

6.1. An additional node

6.2. And another...

7. 02/10/11_Todd Whited

8. 2/10_Allison_Practice

9. 2/11_David_Practice

9.1. This is an interesting environment to chat in.

9.2. I am not sure how this will work, but it is fun to try it out.

10. New node

10.1. well that is a very nice node

11. 02/04/11_mpetrie: Testing a response to myself. I feel so important:P

12. Self Answer

13. Hi you guys! did you ever notice how sandboxes really stink if you forget to put the lid on them? Did you guys sign up for a mindmeister account? I did and found a really cool map of digital media info: http://www.mindmeister.com/maps/show/66229100

13.1. That looks very complex.

14. 02/04/11_mpetrie: Seems like a very interesting program. Kinda seems like it could get confusing fast though.

15. Hello, This is interesting.

15.1. Fei_Note Function

16. 02/08/11_Bado: It's awesome

17. Wow, this is confusing. I prefer Blackboard.-RGreene

18. Thomas Mitchem

18.1. Starting to get it.

18.1.1. New node

19. New node

20. lots of mapping going on here!

20.1. 2/10/2010_copp seems confusing to me!